We have had numerous reviews on this topic so far; the best way to make money online and how complete beginners are making 100 to 700 a day with no experience. So one of the reasons why I want to go ahead and make money online was I just wanted to have more freedom in my life. 

I wanted to go ahead and travel I want to go ahead and help my mom and dad I wanted to go help them pay off the mortgage pay off the student loan debt and not have to worry about working a nine-to-five job for the rest of my life. 

Little did I know that there is an easy way to make money online for complete beginners and a hard way and what I did is I ended up doing the hard way here's an example of how I ended up doing the hard way right so years ago I was stuck in Thailand and I needed to go ahead and find a way to make money online. 

So realizing that okay in order for me to make money online I need to build an audience and then I need to go ahead and sell that audience something so I started making all these videos on like how to make a hundred dollars a day as a broke individual right keyword broke individual. 

And I remember I had this one video called; the top three ways to make a hundred dollars a day as a broke individual and still by far to this day it is one of the most popular videos on my channel and it blew up millions and millions and millions and millions of views. 

What else the second video that I ended up doing I made a video it was called; how to make a hundred dollars a day as a broke 15-year-old and guess what millions and millions and millions and millions of views on how to make money how to make 100 a day as a broke uh 15-year-old right. 

And as it got all those millions of views I realize that all those millions of views didn't really equate to a bunch of money or opportunity it did pay me some because it did get a lot of attention but it was the wrong attention what was it broke 15-year-old and broke people that were individuals right. 

So as I started making more of those content, I was always kind of stressed on wondering okay how come I have millions of views but yet I'm not like Rich right why is this a case I remember going through this event and this conversation that I had like with this big time investor in this crazy industry.

So I ended up talking to him and asking them questions right because I was like here was I someone that had like millions of views and he was this guy that didn't have a bunch of views yet he was making millions of dollars and what he told me like I said come completely changed my mindset on how I thought about making money in line and he said; well Mike so you make videos about broke individuals and I'm like yeah you get millions of views I'm like yeah what I do Mike and this is what he was saying. 

I write medium articles right I write medium articles talking about what projects I'm getting into why I'm getting into them the reasons why you should or why you shouldn't and the pros and cons and he told me that maybe like 14 people read his medium articles on a monthly basis nothing about this millions of views broke 15-year-old broke individuals 14 people that read his medium articles and then.

He kind of like leans in closer names like you know what, Mike those 14 people that read my medium articles their net worth is more than the millions of the people that watch those two videos combined net worth. 

The 14 people that read his articles their net worth combined is way more than the millions of people that watch my content combines and it makes you realize well, okay well if you're just going to go ahead and create content and you're going to build an audience would you rather go for the millions of people that don't have any money or would you rather go for the 14 people that have the money and they're willing to go ahead and do the exact same thing it doesn't take any more time. 

It didn't take any more effort, in fact, it's actually a lot easier to go ahead and read some people with money than it is for everyone else it's kind of like for example competing over the exact same you know broke audience right and it's just a very interesting concept of picking your audience because you can literally do the exact same business model but. 

When you go to one you're struggling the other one it's easy and making money is easy here's another example the other day literally just yesterday I got into a conversation with two people right one of the guys is literally in a close group of like all like my mentors that I've met and then. 

I started talking to him and I was like wow this is crazy he made 50 million dollars profit with an affiliate marketing business okay no like like no big team at all just him and literally just like Partnerships and I really just spread my mind and thinking. 

Because I'm just already thinking like damn like that much even just putting in like an index fund you're just set for the rest of your life like you're literally set for the rest of life he didn't do all these hard things that I was like doing he didn't have to have to worry about all these things. 

But yet he was able to go out and do that right and then he had someone that was his apprentice and now he's like his business partner right and he had a website that only gets 1500 unique visitors a month.

Now imagine this, 1500 unique visitors so only 1500 people are looking at this website that ranks on Google every single month right now he doesn't show his face on camera he doesn't know all these things just 1500 people that's really not that much.

When you go out and think about it for example when I was like getting only 1500 views a day I think I was only making seven dollars a day imagine this 1500 views a day I was only making seven dollars a day right, 1500 views a month for this guy pulls him in a hundred and seventy thousand dollars a month.

And it's been consistent over the past six months not showing his face on camera not doing any one of that stuff just having a Blog that only gets 1500 unique visitors a month 170 Grand a month so which one seems easier right 1500 views a day and you're only getting paid seven dollars a day or 1500 views a month and he's getting paid a hundred and seventy thousand dollars a month. 

They're probably wondering what is the difference, the difference is one target the broke individuals one targets people that want to go ahead and look for gold opportunities now just think. 

With one click, he literally attracted somebody from the internet and that one click was worth a hundred and seventy thousand dollars for someone just clicking on a link right so when it comes to making money in line probably the most important question to really ask yourself is, Who Are You targeting?

Who are you going to go ahead and put this specific product, this offer, this service in front of because that is exactly what's going to make or break if you're going to do the exact same thing if it's going to be easier harder another example? 

So imagine let's say blogging for example because these people are killing it and blocking right so you have one blog that only gets 1500 views a month 170 Grand a month and then you have another blog that gets 300 000. views and visitors a month and they only make about three to five thousand dollars a month. 

What's the difference between the one blog it's literally going and creating content looking for people that are looking for gold opportunities the other blog is literally just a mommy blog talking about, the best crafts to go ahead and you know crochet and knit with and they just recommend Amazon affiliate marketing Associates right. 

So think about this if I recommend, if I'm over here and I build a Blog for Mom saying oh wow these are the best candles oh my god oh I recommend these candles and I go ahead and grab the same candles from for example. 

Amazon right, Amazon will pay me like five percent, two percent for a candle that's like maybe costs ten dollars to buy so what is that's not even a dollar commission I spent a lot of time creating content to go ahead and try to sell this. 

And out of all the content that I go to create someone finally clicks on my link and when they click on my link they go ahead and buy this they buy this for like I said ten dollars right. 

Let's say the commissions are only like ten percent and that's like really good that's like the top tier for Amazon that's only a dollar commission so all that work for one dollar Commission and that's why you know for example hundreds and thousands of views from Mom blog right only three thousand five thousand dollars a month profit right.

But then you have the gold Blog the gold log reaches for people that have money and one click turns into a hundred and seventy thousand dollars commission right what's the difference, they're both the same thing they're both creating content they're both talking about a thing they're both reviewing a thing.

But one is reviewing someone that has a problem with smelling or maybe their room smells like really bad or maybe they ate some bad Mexican food and now it's just like discussing and you need to light a candle and the other one is talking about people that are looking for gold like literally looking for gold obviously which one is it will make you more money the one with the gold. 

Now think about the action steps that they did to go ahead and do that well it wasn't really that different they both needed a Blog which we literally go ahead and teach you just go to money blog two they create content okay well what do they talk about content. 

Okay, let me talk about the best you know candles oh let me talk about the best ways to find gold oh let me talk about you know this like brand review oh let me talk about this review, and before you know they're literally the exact same thing they're both on WordPress the only difference is one only needs 1500 views and unique visitors a month. 

And that's paying them 170 Grand a month the other one needs hundreds and thousands of visitors a month but that literally requires what like three to five grand they make only three to five grand which is why when you are getting started literally making money online and you're like oh man you know I saw this video or article I'm So inspired man I'm like motivated let's go let's make money online. 

One of the biggest questions so you need to go ahead and pause for a second and just think is who are the people that have the money that will literally buy this product or service and how can I find and use affiliate marketing. 

Finding other people's products and services to go out and sell, then you can truly not only make money in line but you could truly make passive income does that make sense if you want us to hold your hand and you want the step-by-step detail on exactly how this guy would turn one click into 170 000 commission.

And now another guy build a 15 million dollar affiliate marketing business that makes you sign up for this week's free Workshop.

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